It feels like school has just ended and here I am reviewing for school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that much of a nerd. I'm only reviewing because I have an interview for a stats TA position with my prof and I forgot, or rather I remember NO SHIT! And because I took a second year linear algebra(1) in first year and didn't take linear algebra(2) last year. Decided to nerd it up and take it in my third year. Again I don't remember SHIT. So here I am...bored reading old ass linear algebra notes. Quite useless, because without the pressure of exams I procrastinate like NO SHIT! On to a happier note, life goes on...as I'm fading away (I stole that line from some lyrics, I swear.) On a happier-ER note, KAT-TUN's new single didn't suck shit! YAAYYYYY! AND kame looked SO HOT in the MV. ANNNND I can't believe I'm still a fan girl at my monstrous age of 20.