lol for the longest time I've associated "The body shop" with car parts. lol because I'm the last one on earth to care about skin care, lip care, foot care, my ass care, etc. And "no", the car part shop is not random association nor a fragment of my hyperactive imagination restrained by the boundaries of grammar - there is actually a 'body shop' for car parts on the road I take to school EVERYday D: and everyday I get more desensitized...
end of failed anecdote.
Anyways...lately been killed over and over again by epsilon and delta limit definition proofs. I wanta eat my ears, my eye ball, hands, knee... (attempt at nami amuro parody.)
"for every number

there is a corresponding number

such that


such that

lol just to f*^@# you up too XD
oh...and I LOVE kame. XD lol
dame...still need to buy a reader for seminar class. D: They call it a reader...but it's actually a door stopper for those gigantic medieval doors. mmm...that heavy...that boring...thick...and OMFG.... But one thing fun did come out of that class XD lol We watched a movie on Asia. But we only watched the Chinese segment of was in 8 parts...who da hell have the time and patience to film all that... XP anyways, at the beginning they showed this scene of this japanese spiritual dude, in full costume and all, with the hat and LARGEASS white kimino and swinging this spiritual leave thingy with his hands. This was fine, perfect, totally normal. Right. BUT the target of his swinging leave thingy to spiritually purify was this 1980s car...all opened up, the 4 doors as well as the front and back `compartments`. EVERYTHING! The seats were even placed outside. Then this indian guy beside me was like, `WTF!`. OMFG it was so funny I laughed for like 2 hrs....the ppl beside me were like, "...she is still laughing." Also, they showed chinese ppl with slit like eyes in every was kinda funny (i`m chinese btw, so this isn`t racist mmky) OHOH...and there was this segment of this really epic (and factually incorrect) Chinese film about the opium man...the Chinese director and actors were SOOOOOO BAD....they made it so epic...and of course they apparently rewrote history so that they actually won the opium war. XO
Other things that happened: I lost a bet, I forgot to lock the door for a shared (male+female) imagine how that turned out, I jammed my bag on everything within 5m of me, I fell asleep in class (alot), when my computer TA says `focus`, it sounds like `fuck us`. I meet alot of kat-tun fans, I meet alot more tohoshinki fans (I don`t mind...bishie is bishie), I rob my friend`s T-cards to eat at residence cafeterias, I am no longer a shameless fan girl - lol I grow up, I got a cold and got addicted to (opium) fisherman`s friend, I secretly enjoy psychology lectures, I need to go shopping, I will go to US this weekend, I have midterms right now and should not be doing this. BUT I am. XD
PSSSSSSSSSS... I (my dad) finally got a camera (`cause he wants to sent photos to china)! lol alot of pic spam after mid terms!!
till then...a wip of a commission.

All commissioners, all those that have already paid, will get their commission by x-mas.
Also, I`m thinking of doing what I did last year and do charity donation commissions - $15 each. This time however, is for my grandma, she has terminal, third stage, liver cancer. She is living on pain-killers right now. It`s very expensive, but that`s not the point. Anyways, I want to do what I can. So if anyone is interested in the cheaper than life commissions, please contact me. I`ll reserve you a spot coming December. XD
(note! these commissions will be very limited depending on the amount of time I have.)
anyho, I wish everyone a happy life! (I sound like I`m going to die...or something...)