This guy behind was was like: *horny voice* "Oh my god, oh my, look at the way he shakes that thing, oh, oh, oh my, god, oh god...."
ROFL I bit my lips sooooooooooooo hard to no to laugh in the middle of the lecture D: lol It was like he was getting turned on or something. ROFL *sigh* post-puberty horny-ness I suppose~
Anyho, I went to US to visit my cousin in University of Rochester.
This is taken by my dad, O.o' it's the inside of the engineering building.
I bought ALOT of McDonalds when I was there...my brother tempted me OLT
Taken by me, lol, a clock thingy in the middle of their front campus. XD
Their street lights were threatening. lol must have killed a few ppl during hurricane Katrina. >.<'
Anyho, on the way back to Canada...our GPS died, or rather we were too stupid to use it. >.<' We set it to avoid all toll roads, so GPS sent us going in the opposite direction - all the way around lake ontario...our expected arrival time was supposed to be 7 in the morning...(we left at 4pm.) FAIL after about 2 hours of driving we realized something was wrong... we were like, "Where did the border go?!" By then, it was really dark and we were driving by some country side, surrounded by trees, trees, and more trees. >...<
so scary~ So ya, we freaked...and turned the GPS off, found a walmart and a good Samaritan took us to an inn. Only to find out afterward that the GPS had directions to all the nearest inns and gas stations OLT.
So we stayed a night...I cursed my cousin~ lol well, I got to find a source to blame for all my shit luck...and stupidity~ ya know?!
And the next morning we set out again...this time...human error hits again. Since the GPS is touch screen...on the way to the border we touched something on it (no one knew at the time) and it led us to this farmer's corn field. Having read the "The Lovely Bones" before, me and the corn field isn't very ...how you say...compatible? lol So we found a McDonalds (it saved my life!) another good Samaritan told us to go on a toll highway...thank you!!!
By now, you should have guessed...we turned the GPS off XD
lol man...I HATE GPS...es...
On the bright side...I got some shoes from this store near the border.
I wanted the black and white one...but my mom was against it...for reasons that you would not believe! D:
Oh...here is a pic of when I got home from school last friday before the trip...
testing the camera.
lol my closet mirror is really dirty apparently XP
Nice kicks!
- Amy
Cute Chuck Taylors :3!
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