I was so happy yesterday when my mp3 (in shuffle mood) played a Kat-Tun song "Affection" on my way to UofT. *note this was my first time hearing it* lol I literally walked in the the campus with this BIG leer on my face! XD lol BUTBUT BUT!!!! OMG before I could get to my class...a girl's voice came up in the song OTL And I was like, "DAME that bitch getting to sing with kame!!!" My face immediately turned murderous D: I was in such a bad mood that I kinda kicked this guy out of the seat next to mine to get a seat for my friend for my first class. OTL I felt like SUCH an ass afterwards. Please forgive me, though I don't even know your name D:
On the bright side XD When I was waiting for my math lecture room to free up GUESS WHAT!!! lol OMG BISHIE ALERT!!! lol *nosebleed* I was takenaback...seriously...it was a sight to behold!!! OMFG... XD
You can guess, I'll go early for my math lectures from now on XD
here a W.I.P

oh ya, on the way back I walked on this air thingy. You know those metal things on the ground, well they are just there during the day, but at night air TORNADOs out of them...I didn't know that...I walked over it while yawning ...the result was a mouthful of hair D: After which I contemplated to myself whether I should consider chocolate flavored shampoo. XD
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