Anyways, alot of you guys asked about my frosh week on DA. mmmm.... let`s just say it was really competitive. lol Since UofT has (I think) 7 colleges, each and every one of them thinking they are the best. (excluding me `cause I have no school spirit.) lol This resulted in everyone going at each other`s necks. lol very twilight like. XD I belong to Victoria University within the University of Toronto (what a handful). Some of the insults thrown at us were:
`Vic suck dick` - St.Micheal
`Victoria, you ARE number two` - Trinity (ya know, V looks like two or the peace sign, lol FOB)
And I`m not sure I feel about this. Whether Vic is a chicken or Vic`s got class. But the entire week I did not learn any insults for the other colleges D: All the cheers I learned were on the lines of:
`Sent your kids to Vic` - During the downtown parade, we yelled this at everyone and it grandmas or highschool couples. lol
**there were alot of other ones, but they have left such a traumatic imprint in my brain that I don`t want to recall them. XD
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