Saturday, September 12, 2009

YAY! Blog!~

After watching Julie & Julia recently, I decided to get myself a blog. XD
lol the food sold me. But no, this blog won't have my epic (fail) cooking attempts, rather, it'll act as my spontaneous rant corner. (With W.I.P posts and such)

So look forward to layout changes and weekly updates about my boring life as a freshmen at UofT and as an insignificant human being on a planet known as earth.

I will try really hard to keep this blog going. People who've known me before, know that I'm a total slack-ass. lol BIG FAT TOTAL slacker. I've tried keeping numerous blogs in the past. (Ah, my puberty years! How I miss you.)

But...ya, I'll go eat lunch now. (peanut butter sandwich is quite a challenge >.<' )