キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
Can't you tell? I'm trying to learn Japanese, I mean 日本語. ぁ_ぁ' (but that's just a face)
lol A friend sent me this song 'cause she's a hardcore Radwimps fan. Me? Not so much, although I have to admit they have AMAZING music videos. C:
Anyho, I wanted to try doing a 'test' review before I review the Girugamesh Album. Thus, here you have it DADA is my lab rat. (smexy lab rats) lol
*clears throat*
The song starts out with a fun drum beat and well *insert lead singer name here* is kinda rapping. It's a tad annoying, but then this funky bass and guitar rhythm starts. AND THEN!!! OMG I CAN READ THAT Kenji!!!! (and from what I can read this song is 192032984feet under, in the deep sorta way.) lol It's a good song, I'm just at a loss of words to describe it. After listen to it once, I got hocked on the chores. I'm sure you'll start screaming silly to yourself after listening too. XD
ya ya ya yayayayaya
I swear I'll review the Girugamesh album with less sugary coffee in my system.
Oh, here is more old doodle. This one is older than my hate more micro.

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