This Saturday for instance, she looked at this folder and was like,"You didn't file all this? This is your basic job!!!!!"
Me,"I asked you about it last Saturday, and you said to just leave it."
Her,"NO!NO! You need to do your basic job! What is all this! We need to clean is up."
Me,"Ok. I'll get right to it."
Her,"Where is the material sheet for the A class?"
Me,"I typed it up, it's on the computer."
Her,"WHAT?? NONONO!!! YOU DIDN'T Print it?!! When you type it up you need to print it!"
*note, she is soooooooo cheap with printing that I'm genuinely scared to press the print button. *
Me,"I'll print it right now."
But she just HAD to shut off the computer to save I had to replug everything and turn the computer on.
In the meantime,
Her,"BLAHBLAHBLAH..." (lol I honestly can't remember, lol I've been desensitized.)
So when it was done printing, I gave it to her but that wasn't good enough.
Her,"There is suppose to be two!"
Me, "?"
Her,"You need to do your work more carefully! There is two! You made a mistake! We need to change everything!"
Me,"What do you mean two? The paper you told me to type up only had one."
Her,"NOOOOO!NOOO! Where is that paper!"
She claims its my fault. Little does she remember that she was the one that told me to leave out the second column, 'cause its all wrong.
AHHHHHH~ But I must endure. FIGHTO-OH!!!
One more thing, hanging-out with adults all Saturday made me realize how fake they are. They seem to be able to just 'switch' their mask for the situation. You should hear the way the boss talks to the parents...omg...she doesn't even know their kid's names yet she is all like, "They are doing really well! You should be proud of them!" BS And the very next moment, she turns to me and screams, "I'm very upset! You BLAH BLAH BLAH!" I get yelled at so much I dont feel it anymore. DX
Oh...more old doodle:

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